Pay for rankings not pay for "work"

Are you tired of paying for "monthly SEO work" without seeing clear results? At Seareo, we help you to hire qualified SEO experts so you only pay for tangible results. Using our flexible, result-oriented system, you have a clear dashboard tracking the real time SEO progress and payment to SEO providers are released when agreed targets are met.

With Seareo, you are in the driver seat with a clear view of your SEO investment vs. return, helping you to continue very targeted, goal-oriented SEO spending.

Our system allows you to set goals based on key objective measures of SEO success and assign a compensation amount for each specific target level.

  1. Ranking - there is no better measure of SEO results than the ranking of keywords that are important to the discovery of your business

  2. Links - each link is tracked and assessed based on quality so you are always paying the right amount.

  3. Share of Voice

  4. Visibility